Eugenia weighs herself every morning to determine whether she will eat breakfast that day or not, depending on the whether the number on the scale goes up or down from the previous day.
Eating disorders are characterized by significant disruptions in behavior. Treatment and assistance vary based on the type of condition and the individual.
Different perspectives illustrate how anorexia is a serious disorder associated with persistent eating patterns that negatively affect health.
Studies have shown that people with anorexia nervosa have higher levels of perfectionism, Eugenia keeps all of her plans and goals organized and written down.Every morning Eugenia brushes her hair and has noticed that she has been losing a significant amount of hair, which is commonly seen within people suffering with anorexia.Every morning, she body checks herself. It makes her feel more in control and appreciate the “morning skinny” to remind herself that everything is “ok.” Eugenia plans out the meals she will eat in a day ahead of time, this allows her to keep track of how many calories she is consuming. Eugenia allowed herself to eat 1 cup of raspberries for breakfast, she is reaching into the fridge to get them. She weighs her raspberries in order to make sure that there are exactly 123g worth of raspberries, this is all she is allowing herself to consume for breakfast. Eugenia isolates herself most of the time, she perceives herself as being alone in the world. She sees the “world” from her phone screen, as she compares herself to other women and covers herself because of how cold and insecure she feels. (Corina Vera)She is still hungry, she is using an app that count her calories and allow her to see all of the macronutrients of any food. It has too many calories and goes over her caloric count so she won’t eat it. Eugenia constantly compares herself to models, she checks whether her wrists and other body parts are as skinny as theirs. (Corina Vera)Eugenia eats small portions of “healthy” food options, which she had added into her caloric intake for that day in the morning. Eugenia takes laxatives as a way of purging the food she ate that day. Taking 3 to 4 pills whenever she eats is a way of losing more weight for her.
A Venezuelan student seeking a degree in Digital + Interactive Media at Florida International University. She is passionate about film production and hopes to be able to produce them. She enjoys traveling, dancing, and expanding her knowledge on TV production.