Artist Sandra Ramos lights up La Habana

“I am in the Havana studio of artist Sandra Ramos.  Her work is fabulous.  She also has a studio in Miami, and you have to record a video interview with her,” texted my old friend Judy Richland — a graphic designer, movie producer, and educator.

It wasn’t until I visited Ramos in her studio at Bakehouse Art Complex in Miami that I realized this was the same woman whose art I had been admiring in museum and gallery exhibitions.

SANDRA RAMOS (b. 1969) is a Cuban contemporary painter, printmaker, collagist, and installation artist who explores nationality, gender, and identity in her work. She is best known for works featuring her character Ariadne, who is composed of a self-portrait and an appropriated portion of an illustration from Alice in Wonderland. Ramos currently lives in Miami, Florida, and serves as an artist in residence at Bakehouse Art Complex and a contracted exhibition artist at The Fountainhead. She is also a renowned curator in Cuba, and won a national award for her curatorial work on the exhibition Le Huella Múltiple (Multiple Fingerprint) in 2003, from the Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas (CNAP) in Havana, Cuba.

Click here to watch a video interview with Ramos on the Inspicio arts publication platform website.



Raymond Elman is founding editor-in-chief of Caplin News sister publication Artspeak.