Following a long career as cartoonist and cartoon editor for the New Yorker magazine, the holiest temple of the cartoon world, Bob Mankoff jumped ship to resuscitate Esquire magazine’s cartoon presence, and launch his own online platform to store and license cartoons for many talented cartoonists.
Mankoff’s new database, Cartoon Collections, builds on his experience with The Cartoon Bank, which he created to store, market, and license cartoons for The New Yorker. Cartoon Collections not only licenses cartoons from The New Yorker, but also from 10 other leading publications, including Esquire, the Wall Street Journal, Weekly Humorist and the American Bystander.
In addition, Mankoff is currently the cartoon editor for Air Mail, the weekly online newsletter created by Graydon Carter, who recently retired from a very long and successful run as editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair.
Click here to watch the Inspicio video interview with Bob Mankoff.