CBD everywhere despite dubious legality

Vendors sold CBD joints, vapes and creams at New York City’s Hester Street CBD Festival. Despite its wide availability, CBD, like heroin, listed as a Schedule 1 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

CBD comes from the same plant as marijuana but without the psychoactive effects. 



Karla Florez is a journalism major who will graduate at the end of summer session, 2019. She is a reporter for the Caplin News’s bureau in New York City. Karla graduated from Miami Dade College with a degree in mass communication. She interned for Verity Creative Agency, a California-based public relations agency, for which she covered fashion and beauty topics and currently is an intern with {C}, Magazine, based in Georgia, for which she covers fashion, news and entertainment.


Valentina Palm is a broadcast journalism major. Passionate about investigative journalism, she likes shining a light on community issues that sparks change. She is a student reporter for Caplin News's New York City Bureau and is a staff writer for FIU's student publication PantherNow, covering student government and FIU faculty. Valentina is interested in multimedia journalism and focuses on capturing compelling videos and photographs to accompany her written stories. A native of  Caracas, Venezuela, she understands the importance of the freedom of the press and the responsibility of accurately reporting the truth.