“Delightfully Terrifying” is a weekly podcast that tells a variety of horror stories. The mission is to entertain new and current horror fanatics with both fictional and non-fictional works found online (submissions, forums, articles, social media) and in literature. By doing so, we hope to grow an audience, inspire listeners to explore the genre of horror, and become more open-minded to different subgenres.
Episode 1: “I Played the Elevator Game and I Did It Wrong” In our first episode, Cymone tells the story of a woman who played a forsaken elevator game that she not only lost, but also began to lose her sanity while playing.
Megan is a Digital Communication and Media Major with a focus on Television and Multimedia Production. She is also pursuing a minor in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics. After graduation, she plans on using the skills and knowledge gained to become an editor in the entertainment industry.