Eight deaths have been reported in Florida this summer following a recent surge in lethal rip currents. With an abnormal 2024 hurricane season on the horizon, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) issued a warning on June 26 that urged beachgoers to take extra precautions in the warm waters that often cause undertow-related accidents.
”Don’t fight the current, because it’s a pretty strong force,” warned District Chief Joseph Lobosco from Martin County Fire Rescue.
The NOAA says if you see a swimmer caught in a rip current:
- Carefully assess the situation.
- If no lifeguard is available, call 9-1-1.
- Advise the person to follow the shoreline and let themselves float along.
- If possible, throw something that floats.
- Never enter the water without a floatation device in an effort to save someone else.