Covid-19 caseloads have skyrocketed recently and the Federal Food and Drug Administration has approved the Pfizer vaccine. Now many local governments and businesses are requiring vaccination.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, a chief medical advisor to the President, believes these new developments will push organizations to require inoculation.
“They’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions, organizations, and places of importance to mandate,” he said. Incentive programs have been introduced across the country in recent days.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announced yesterday that $100 would be given to any resident that received a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Locally, Florida International University unveiled its incentive program in a school town hall yesterday.
“We will be providing all students as well as faculty and staff with $150 at the conclusion of their vaccine program,” said Elizabeth Bejar, the senior vice president of academic & student affairs at the university.