Back-to-back champion titles for the FIU women’s tennis team

The FIU women’s tennis team clinched a back-to-back win at the Conference USA tournament this past weekend. 

The ladies played against the University of Texas El Paso on Friday in the quarterfinals, Louisiana Tech on Saturday in the semi-finals and Liberty University on Sunday in the C-USA Championship. 

After many swing volleys and inside-out forehands, the Panthers celebrate as champions on their newly installed home courts. 

“All the tears, the blood, the sweat, the tears that we put in the whole season and in the Fall, finally paid off,” says freshman women’s tennis player Petja Drame. 

One of the first teams to get a consecutive win in their division as the No.1 seed, the ladies, coaches and Panther fans have much to be proud of. Not to mention their rank of #27 nationally. 

The team’s journey doesn’t end here as they now qualify to play for the NCAA.

Many aren’t worried about their postseason competitions as they have clearly shown evidence of clean sweeps and an impressive 15+ winning streak this season.

Kimora Miller is a senior seeking a bachelor’s degree in public relations, advertising, and applied communications at FIU. Her current interests involve sports entertainment, social media, collegiate dance, and on-air interviews.