Travis Rudolph, a former Miami Dolphins and Florida State University wide receiver, was found not guilty by a Palm Beach County jury on Wednesday after facing murder charges for a fatal shooting in 2021.
Rudolph, 27, was cleared of all charges, which included one count of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder. He was charged after two men were shot and one, Sebastien Jean-Jacques, was killed in an April 7, 2021 incident in Lake Park, Florida.
The shooting came after an altercation between Rudolph and his then-girlfriend Dominique Jones when he was confronted by four men and eventually 39 shots in the direction of their SUV.
His older sister, Terrinie Coleman, believes her family’s testimony helped Rudolph’s self-defense case.
With his new-found freedom, Rudolph says he is ready to celebrate and spend time with his family. And he is looking to return to football.
“I finally got my freedom back and I can get back to my life,” said Rudolph.