“Lessons from the Jungle” documentary premieres in Miramar (includes video story)

“Lessons from the Jungle”, a documentary created by NBC 6/Telemundo 51 and investigative reporter Myriam Masihy, premiered to the public on July 15 at the Miramar Commission Chambers.

On a mission to discover how to live sustainably, Masihy traveled to Costa Rica to explore how the country has cut its carbon footprint. The documentary took three weeks to make and includes interviews with the Costa Rican president, agricultural engineers and more who promote long-term progressive environmental stewardship. 

“They are doing several good things to contribute to the environment,” Masihy says.

At the premiere, panelists and advocates shared their unique perspectives on embracing eco-friendly practices.  

If you would like to watch this piece, you can see it on NBC’s digital platform.  

Dennisse Diaz is a senior majoring in Digital Broadcasting Media and minoring in entrepreneurship. She is originally from Venezuela. Since her arrival to the United States in 2017, she has never stopped pursuing her dreams of becoming a news anchor, correspondent, or investigative reporter. She is passionate about traveling, photography, culture, responsible knowledge, marketing, and content creation.