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Gabrielle Foster is a junior at Florida International University who hopes to work in the entertainment industry. Foster is heavily involved with Newsbreak, where she enjoys being a part of a community that brings stories to air. She records content for the shows, edit stories, and prepares talent for airtime. She hopes to work behind the scenes creating a film in the feature. Foster will graduate from the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media with a bachelor's degree in digital communication and media in Spring 2025.
Gabrielle Estrada is a senior majoring in Digital Communication and Media. She enjoys writing stories, reading the Bible, art, writing movie reviews, and watching films. As a student with autism, she wants to use her voice through films and storytelling, to educate people about autism and create more representation for the autism community. After graduation, she plans on pursuing a career in the film industry, creating stories on diversity and inclusion.
Juliana Pavao is a senior at Florida International University who is interested in interactive media and digital marketing. Pavao has experience knowing what the public interests are and how to guide them with a strategy that will lead to high sales. She has been involved in creating a brand's identity from the ground up. She has also worked on special projects like website creation and logo creation. Pavao will graduate from Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media with a bachelor's degree in digital communication and media with a minor in social media and E-marketing analytics in Summer 2025.
Milana Stryhun is a junior at Florida International University who hopes to work in the entertainment industry. Stryhun is originally from Ukraine and has traveled to 36 countries. She hopes to start her own travel blog to are her love for exploring new cultures and places. She has experience in movie production and hopes to become a movie producer in Los Angeles. Milana will graduate from the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media with a bachelor's degree in digital communication and media in 2026.
Ayman Natour is a junior at Florida International University who is passionate about the film industry. Natour has experience in screenwriting, directing, and videography. He plans to build a team to jumpstart his own production company. He believes that his individuality and ideas will generate a big impact in visual production and wants to deliver quality to his audience. Natour will graduate from Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media with a bachelor's degree in digital communication and media with a minor in business in Spring 2025.