Naples private school student denied from prom for wearing suit (includes video story)

Sophie Savidge, a Naples private school student, had the door slammed on her prom night for showing up in a suit.

“She was excited,” says her mom, Holly Savidge. “We took a couple pictures.”

However, an administrator pulled Sophie aside and denied her entry. According to Holly, the reasoning was, “Because she was in a suit, and not a dress, because she is female, and not male.”

In response to the claims, Mason Classical Academy released a statement saying, “Any student who shows up to an MCA dance and does not abide by the dress code is given the opportunity to return to the dance in proper attire.” The school’s formal attire guidelines for women is limited to a gown, dress or one-piece outfit.

Sophie is a junior who has attended the school since second grade. The family is considering other options for Sophie’s senior year.

Jasmine Arocha is a student at Florida International University majoring in Digital TV and Multimedia Production. She was born and raised in Miami and has a creative eye for producing and editing videos. In the future, she hopes to work behind the scenes for the news.