Kattiuska Carmona has always been a highly sensitive and empathetic person. Soon after her mother Suraya Madrid passed, she moved to the U.S. with her husband Gonzalo Borges, and daughter, Andrea Borges in 2018.
She was deeply saddened to leave her home in Valencia, Venezuela. After the passing of her husband, Carmona and her daughter, Andrea, were left to fend for themselves. Carmona started taking any jobs she could find in restaurants and hotels. She felt powerless and out of control.
Back in Valencia, a man she met suggested she try yoga. The man said yoga would give her a different mindset and allow her to embrace change, no matter how painful. After remembering what the man taught her, Katty started practicing Kundalini yoga, a branch that focuses on awakening the body and spiritual mind to full awareness. Through yoga and meditative painting, which she took up three years ago, Katty has been able to use all of her life experiences, even the painful ones, to be at peace. Life is full of good and bad moments, she says, adding that we must take all of them, try to be positive, and move forward.
She recently published a book “The Gifts of Death” that deals with her story, as she shares how we can let go of our conflicts and embrace our losses to form a version of ourselves that is in control of our realities.
Carmona published the book with this message: “This book is a journey to your interior self; it will help you let your go of your processes to give place to a new human being. A human being is aware and able to integrate experiences to consider oneself as a creator of their own reality. From accepting the conditions that we are presented, to relating to them in order to elevate these vibrations from negativity to a reality in which we can live in.”