Little Havana residents celebrate Trump’s inauguration at Versailles (includes video story)

On Monday, supporters of President Donald Trump gathered at the Versailles restaurant on Calle Ocho to celebrate the inauguration.

With a brand new TV in a pickup truck, Trump merchandise, and even a Trump impersonator, many expressed high hopes for the president’s second term.

“There is going to be a change in the United States, a change so big that is needed because of the disaster that we had for four years full of lies,” said attendee Miguel Saavedra. “Trump has the majority in Congress, so that means he has all the tools to help a country that is in need.”

Another attendee, Ray Alesio, emphasized the local sentiment, saying, “Versailles is the heart of Miami” and “everyone loves Trump here,” despite the upcoming implementation of Trump’s mass deportation policies.

Alejandro Marquina Villalobos is a junior majoring in Digital Broadcasting. In the future, he’s hoping to make an impact nationally and internationally as a political journalist.