Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tag: broward

Newsbreak January 11, 2022

The Miami Dolphins' head coach is fired after three seasons. A Broward County teacher is accused of an inappropriate relationship with a student. The...

Saint Vincent De Paul feeds Broward’s poor during the holidays

Saint Vincent de Paul is a worldwide non-profit organization that focuses on empowering people who are struggling in their lives and helping those who...

Jai-alai run in Dania finishes after almost 70 years

Jai alai has been a Florida staple for almost 100 years. Now, the fast-moving Basque game is leaving The Casino at Dania Beach just before...

Nikolas Cruz pleads guilty in court and apologizes to families of...

Nikolas Cruz, the gunman who carried out the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018, plead guilty to 17 counts of murder...

Newsbreak September 16th, 2021

Broward County Mayor Steve Geller announces that he is rolling out a new plan to protect employees from COVID. A vaccine advocate from Palm...

9/11 will be honored across South Florida on Saturday (includes video)

It’s been 20 years since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and to honor those who gave their...

Se reabren con cautela las piscinas públicas(incluye video)

To read the version in English click here. El verano está al doblar de la esquina y los parques de aguas y piscinas públicas del...

His new life was going well and he wanted to help...

It’s been more than a year since robbers left 60-year-old Michael Parks with a fractured tibia. Despite still having a weak leg from the...

Christine Cahill is allergic to cats, but she adopted one anyway

Christine Cahill had a cat for 19 years, but once it died she never intended to get a new one. Then the Plantation resident heard...

Coronavirus Update: First walk-up testing site and infections vastly underestimated

Today is Monday, April 27th, and Florida cases have passed 31,000 while deaths have reached over 1,000. Florida, which has the third largest population,...