Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: Joe Biden

The pandemic has shown social media is a vital tool to...

Social media can motivate young people to go from intending to vote to taking action, according to a study by Tufts University.  Isabel Muir, a...

DACA recipient works with the Joe Biden campaign

Jose Rodriguez was just 13 years old when his family embarked on a journey from Guadalajara, Mexico to the United States in 2003. It...

Trump está enfermo, Biden no. Los candidatos discuten el uso de...

De nuevo la pandemia se cruzó con la campaña electoral. El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, tuvo que dejar la Casa Blanca  este viernes...

Professors, students consider the value of free college tuition (includes interactive...

The fight for free college tuition isn’t new, and it doesn’t look like it will end soon. The coronavirus pandemic has led some college students...

Latino millennial voters have supported Sanders. Will they back Biden?

During the 2016 Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders lost 10 of the 11 states where Latinos made up 15% or more of the population. This...

Florida primary breakdown: Despite coronavirus Democrats showed up more than in...

In true Florida fashion, nothing stopped voters from casting ballots in the Democratic primary on Tuesday — not even the COVID-19 outbreak. According to the...

As poll workers face coronavirus threat, Miami-Dade offers $100 bonus

Supermarket shelves are bare. Gasoline prices are dropping. The entire country of Italy is shut down. These are just a few of the indicators...

Sanders or Biden? Miami-Dade teachers just want better pay (photo gallery...

Today's vote in Michigan will define the candidate that will most likely carry the nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate. The state's union voters...

The growing number of independents may prove problematic for Democrats

After former Vice President Joe Biden’s comeback on Super Tuesday, in which he took the lead in delegates among Democratic candidates for president over...

Bernie Sanders leads heading for Nevada, but other Democrats top the...

For better or for worse, campaign financing plays a huge role in today's elections. Although money is only one of many factors in determining...