The Terminator film franchise was built on the premise that artificial intelligence and technology would eventually destroy the human race. Now, Colombian actress Natalia Reyes, who stars in the latest installment, “Terminator: Dark Fate”, says the movie is a call to do something quickly in “the apocalyptic moment we are living.”
“It’s an urgent call that we should take action now — on how we relate to technology, on how much time we give ourselves to technology… We have to do something so we can have a future,” she told SFMN.
“Dark Fate“, which opened nationally last weekend, also turns away from the style of many contemporary films to show a more real representation of women and Mexican immigrants. “The presence of the Spanish language — the movie starts completely in Spanish…simply represents reality in a respectful way,” she says. “I feel very proud of that in the movie.”
Reyes praised the film’s director. “I think that James Cameron has been good at observing society and seeing where it’s going.”
Reyes plays a regular woman who becomes a hero under dire circumstances. Cameron seems to understand that audiences are changing and that they want to see themselves represented in a real way.
In “Dark Fate“, Reyes follows the lead of Hamilton in showing the world that women can be warrior-leaders.