Almost a century ago, George Merrick planned a city that would allow Floridians to explore and experience the rich history of the Mediterranean. However, due to modernization and changing times, that vision is being compromised as the city undergoes drastic changes.
In the past few years, Coral Gables has encountered a wave of new buildings that some developers claim will energize the city and give it more life.
Others contend it is having a negative effect on the city’s one-of-a-kind architecture and passionate connection to history. These changes, critics say, are ruining what made Gables special in the first place.
As you pass through the city, it’s impossible to miss the numerous cranes throughout the downtown area — some of which have been stilled by the coronavirus shutdown.
Daniela Yepes, a single mother of a 2-year-old baby, lives next door to a construction site. “I think the new construction and models that are coming to the Gables are going to make it look nicer,” she said. “However, if you see the architecture of Coral Gables, it does resemble the old town of Spain and now bringing sophisticated construction is changing the perception.”