Vaping has been a huge topic of debate across the U.S. There have been over 2,600 illnesses and over 60 deaths from vaping-related cases. Dr. Mehdi Mirsaeidi, University of Miami assistant professor of the Department of Medicine, and FIU student Jessica Barrios are concerned about the phenomenon.
According to StatistaCharts, e-cigarette vaping became worldwide in 2017. The inhalation of toxic fumes does severe damage to the lungs and may cause acute respiratory distress syndrome. This distress can kill people.
Most doctors say that teens and young adults are being targeted to think that e-cigarette smoking is safer than cigarettes — even though both are harmful to the lungs. The CDC points out that more than half of e-cigarette users are under age 24. However, Cesar Reveron, owner of SNS smoke shop, doesn’t think that what comes in stores legally is what’s killing people.
Last month, the FDA banned certain vaping flavors. This week, members of Congress –including Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor of Tampa — scolded CEOs for pushing youth vaping by enlisting “influencers” on social media.
Dr. Mirsaeidi stressed that e-cigarettes came into the market without any research. “Vaping should be banned in Florida until more research can be done on its long-term effects and its side effects.” Mirsaeidi has even sent a letter to Governor Ron DeSantis to persuade him to ban the sale of e-cigarettes.