“Things I wish I knew in school” is a weekly podcast hosted by Daniela Del Valle and Adriana Matos designed to educate young adults in an entertaining way about subjects they normally wouldn’t study in school. It explores themes related to peer pressure, credit cards, how to change a tire, do laundry and everything in between that doesn’t involve y=mx+b.
Adriana is a senior at Florida International University majoring in Digital Communication and Media. Her goal is to work in the television industry to broaden her knowledge in the technical aspects of communication. She’s a people person and loves dessert.
Daniela is a senior at Florida International University majoring in Digital Communication and Media with a certificate in Music Business. Her goal is to pursue a career combining her passion
for the entertainment and music industry. If she’s not playing piano and serving as music director on the weekend at her local church, you can find her reading at her favorite cafe, or listening to BTS.