“War, Poetry and Theater with Combat Hippies” opens on Zoom

A veterans’ theater troupe will present a Zoom storytelling workshop tonight — Tuesday, November 2 — at 7, sponsored by the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU and O, Miami.  

Anthony Torres of Combat Hippies will present “War, Poetry, and Theater with Combat Hippies.”  

The troupe includes performers and Puerto Rican veterans who came together during a creative-writing workshop and began creating theater pieces. Torres, an Iraq war veteran and the troupe’s executive director, will share how his personal and professional experiences inspired him to get back into writing.

The presentation is meant to help the Miami community with a program focused on how writing, poetry and performances can be used to heal. It is part of a series to help develop mindfulness. 

“We are trying to help people cope with different conditions that we have faced this year with the pandemic,” said Luna Goldberg of the Jewish Museum FIU, which is partnering with O, Miami, a non-profit organization that presents an annual poetry festival and other literary events around the region. 

For more information and to sign up for the event visit https://secure.qgiv.com/for/jmoffiu/event/836506/.


Shantel Sanchez is a senior at Florida International University studying to become a broadcast journalist. She enjoys traveling and going to the beach with her family. Another one of her passions is marketing, as she enjoys learning about the field and the strategies that are used.