This past August, at just 29 years old, Ali Embry was diagnosed with one of the most life-threatening diseases: breast cancer.
“It’s the worst club to be in, but the best members,” said Embry, who has a rare genetic mutation called BRCA1 positive, leaving her at high risk. “I was scared, my world was completely upside down.”
This past Saturday, she was one of thousands who participated in the Susan G. Komen “More than Pink” walk at Amelia Earhart Park. The event’s goal was to raise awareness and funds for the organization. Knowing how important the walk was for Embry, her family and friends showed up to support her.
“The fact that my family drove for this and my friends showed up for this really means a lot to me,” Embry added.
With 5,200 followers on Instagram and 12,500 on TikTok, she uses the power of social media to show her life as a breast cancer fighter and encourage followers that they are not alone.
“I share a lot about my trip, the ups and downs,” she says. “The good, the bad, the ugly.”