Tag: juan guaido
Former Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó arrives in Miami
A few years ago, the former Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, led thousands of protestors in demanding the resignation of the country's authoritarian regime....
Newsbreak, July 26, 2021
Cuban protestors have demonstrated in front of the White House for over 2 weeks, Miami residents supported Cuba's anti-government protests by traveling towards the...
Newsbreak, March 29, 2021
Protesters demand justice for George Floyd, Derek Chauvin's trial begins, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó tests positive for COVID-19 and a Georgia congresswoman fights...
As Venezuelan twitterstorm rages, some ask if Maduro indictment was a...
On Thursday morning, U.S. Attorneys in Miami and New York indicted Venezuela’s former President Nicolas Maduro and 14 of his allies on drug-related charges....
Venezuela’s continuing crisis and the future
Despite many competing disasters including the coronavirus, ending the current Venezuelan crisis must remain a priority, said panelists at a recent forum in the...
MDC students urge action in Venezuela at Venexodo Fest 2020 (video...
Scores of Miami Dade College students recently held an event at the school's Koubek Center to raise awareness about the current humanitarian crisis in...
Venezuela and gun control at the State of the Union elicited...
The current political situation in Venezuela was one of the key issues President Donald Trump focused on in his third State of the Union...
Miami Young Republicans cheer on Trump speech
Chants of “USA” and “four more years” rang out during the Miami Young Republicans' State of the Union watch party on Tuesday night, a...
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó visits Miami
Listening to música llanera and singing the “Star Spangled Banner” right before “Gloria al Bravo Pueblo,” the Venezuelan diaspora and some U.S. politicians greeted...
Venezuelan political figures in Coral Gables support Guaidó
Venezuelan political figures in exile held a discussion panel in Coral Gables last week to support interim President Juan Guaidó and speak about the...