Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tag: Latinos

Latino legislators bring attention to nation’s military veterans

Recently, several members of Congress who focus on issues affecting the nation's 19 million military veterans -- including more than 1.5 million in Florida...

Young voters could swing the election towards a Biden presidency

Young Hispanics in South Florida are increasingly leaving behind their parents’ Republican ideas. First-generation immigrants who come from countries with authoritarian regimes tend to lean...

Persiste la discriminación de afrolatinos en América Latina y dentro de...

“Me tomó muchísimo tiempo. Es cuatro veces más difícil para alguien como yo lograrlo, que lo que lo es para una persona blanca llegar...

On NFL draft eve, Hispanics and Latinos aren’t much of a...

When Arturo Cabre was a freshman at McFatter Technical High School in Davie, one of his friends introduced him to the world of American...

Poll shows immigration policy change a top priority for Latinos

Establishing a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants in the United States is an important issue for Hispanics, according to a survey by...