Locals and tourists celebrate the Fourth of July in D.C. (includes video story)

On Tuesday, thousands flocked to the National Mall in Washington D.C. to celebrate the Fourth of July.

From musical performances to Native American exhibitions, tourists and locals enjoyed the activities and searched for a good spot to see the Independence Day fireworks. 

“Just as they say in soccer, this is everyone’s country,” said Rudy, a Guatemalan construction worker who moved to D.C. in 2018.

Although he is not an American citizen, he said he is more than happy to celebrate a country that gave him so many opportunities. 

“Some of my friends always say, ‘Why would you celebrate the fourth, this isn’t even your country’, but me and my family, we live here, this is our home, so I just like to come and see some fireworks with them,” Rudy added.

As National Park Service crews set up the fireworks show, attendees had to pass through many security-enforced gates. Then, they gathered around the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to celebrate America’s 247th birthday. 

Samuel Larreal is a Venezuelan journalism student with a concentration in political science and international relations. He is interested in reporting on human rights, immigration and civic freedom.