Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tag: Florida International University

Voters speak out opposing and supporting Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law...

Mel Simon is a 20-year-old gender-fluid lesbian painter who is outraged by Florida’s recently passed legislation limiting discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity,...

Hurricane season begins at FIU’s wall of wind (includes video story)

Hurricane season started Wednesday, and Florida International University officials reassured residents that they are prepared with a new wall of wind developed by teams...

Newsbreak June 2, 2022

Hurricane season has officially begun and federal officials met at FIU to discuss how to prepare. There was a shooting in a Tulsa, Oklahoma...

Individuals with disabilities struggle to be employed

Pedro Acevedo Jr., 35, has autism and has difficulty speaking. He earned his associate’s degree in computer science at Miami Dade College as well as two...

El crimen no espera a la noche

Cuando los padres envían a sus hijos a la universidad, varios de ellos suelen advertirles que la mayoría de los delitos ocurren después de...

¿Puede un plan de ayuda financiera resolver el problema de vivienda...

Recibir una carta de admisión a la universidad es un momento importante en la vida de un joven. Alegría, entusiasmo y optimismo. Estas fueron...

FIU Ukrainian student sheds light on the ongoing war

“We don’t have a place to live anymore, there is nothing left in our apartment building, literally nothing left.” These were the words that FIU...

Ukrainian student in Miami has a “heavy guilt feeling”

Growing up in Ukraine shaped FIU International Business student Maksym Kazimir. He grew up in a time when Ukraine was a newly independent country...

FIU student turned to marathon running during the pandemic

In 2020, with the world in the throes of the pandemic, Arnaldo Morales was one of many athletes looking for ways to stay active. Running...

Caos en Venezuela: ¿Qué le depara al pueblo bolivariano? (incluye video)

El periodista y ahora autor William Neuman, convocó a seguidores y colegas al Centro Graham de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida, punto de...