Monday, May 20, 2024

Beverly R. Muzii

Beverly R. Muzii is a student at the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media studying Broadcast Media. She has worked previously as the managing editor of the Seminole Scribe, the student newspaper of Seminole State College. In 2021, her independent audio/visual production on anti-racism won first place in the Seminole State College Social Science Video Contest. Along with her passion for journalism, Beverly brings an appreciation for arts and culture and a recognition of how they influence society.

A video conversation with Dani Shapiro, best-selling author

ArtSpeak, Caplin News' sister publication, recently sat down with Dani Shapiro to discuss the arch of her career and her latest book, “Signal Fires.” She...

ArtSpeak: The Creative Adventures of Brigitte “Bibi” Andrade

Brigitte Andrade, who lives in Miami Beach, is a public relations dynamo and digital artist. Her bright, lively art pieces have been exhibited in...

ArtSpeak: Brad Rothschild is making movies that matter

Brad Rothschild, an award-winning filmmaker, producer and writer, recently participated in a video conversation with ArtSpeak, Caplin News' sister publication, to discuss his career...