The Day of the Dead is a celebration that comes from Mexico. The roots of this celebration go back many years before the Spaniards arrived in Mexico. The evolution of this tradition has changed and turned into a mixture of Catholic tradition and Mexican mysticism.
This tradition has been part of Mexican culture and thanks to films like “COCO” it has become popular internationally.
In recent years, this festival brings tourists who visit towns and cities throughout the Mexican country to witness this celebration that brings life, music, colors, and offerings, inviting the spirits of the dead to return to the world of the living to celebrate as well.
Traditionally, family members make an altar where they put pictures of their family who have passed with an offering of their favorite food and drinks. Commemorating death as an element of life and to remember and honor loved ones.
The city of coral gables in Miami were also part of the celebration for the Day of the Dead. The Mexican consulate in Miami together with the mayor of the city of Coral Gables have organized an event bringing Mexican culture to Miami.
“This event is the third time it has been held and it is increasingly growing it has become a way to transmit the traditions of Mexico,” said Jonathan Chait, consul general of Mexico in Miami,” and above all we try to support small businesses.”
Many small businesses were here at this event selling just a piece of Mexican culture to the crowd. Traditional dances were shown from people of all ages wearing vibrant colorful attire.
“I think it’s great that small businesses are coming together and supporting them and everything,” said, Ana Garro, a Mexican-American. “And it also just makes it feel like I’m back in Mexico you know just walking in the street getting street food and stuff like that.”