Slowing down fast fashion (includes video story)

Many of those reading this story have likely contributed to the world of fast fashion. Fast fashion is a harmful practice that big fashion companies employ by mass-producing trendy clothing with cheap materials.

This leads to a lot of those clothes being thrown away, which is damaging to the environment. The amount of textiles, or clothing material, that ends up in U.S. landfills on a yearly basis is equivalent to approximately 81.5 pounds per person per year and around 2,150 pounds per second nation-wide in the U.S.

The video is split up into 5 parts. Each part goes over statistics and real world examples of fast fashion to really put into perspective how it affects us. There is even a segment showing how our group contributes to fast fashion despite our knowledge of it.

Andrew is a senior Digital and Interactive Media major at FIU with an associate degree in Music Business. After graduation they hope to pursue creative marketing in either the fashion or independent film industries.

Hannah is a senior majoring in Digital Media. With an interest in topics surrounding the
entertainment and music industry, she is interested in pursuing a career in Public Relations within those fields after graduation.