Miami Swim Week wraps up over 50 events (includes video story)

Miami Swim Week, the world’s largest swim festival, hosted over 50 events and 100 designers last week.

One of the shows was the Daer Swim Week show in Hollywood, Florida, where Hot Miami Styles showcased their work. The local brand caters to women of all body shapes and sizes, with colorful and vibrant designs.

“Everyone in the world is so different,” said Patricia Pearl, a model at the event. “So everyone wants to see someone that looks like them up on the runway thinking, ‘That looks great on her, she kind of looks like me’, or ‘She kind of has a body like me, so that will probably look good on me’.”

The shows began on Independence Day and continues until tomorrow with 10 locations all around Miami. Viewers can attend shows in person or watch it live on YouTube. 

Daniela Zulueta is a FIU Alumni at Florida International University who graduated with her bachelor's in digital broadcasting and media and holds an associate degree in journalism from Miami Dade College. She loves Miami and aims to share the stories of the citizens who live here and all over the world. After her studies, she wishes to pursue a career in the entertainment field.


Paloma Pimentel is a senior at FIU majoring in Digital Journalism and Communications, with a background in sociological studies. She is passionate about writing environmental and social issues stories, and is on her path to becoming an investigative journalist.  Having traveled to 20 countries already, she seeks to know more about the world and write stories about it.

Rafael Hernandez is a Venezuelan-American senior at Florida International University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in digital journalism. With a passion for writing, politics, and social issues, he hopes to achieve a career in the news media industry after graduating.