Miamians protesting the police killing of George Floyd this past weekend assembled at Bayside’s Torch of Friendship and marched on to the downtown police station chanting, “No Justice. No Peace. F***** the police.” Leaders stood up and spoke to the crowd telling them how they are sick and tired of having to be scared to be a black person living in America and they will no longer take this anymore. Demonstrators took a knee for a moment of silence. Later they spilled into the highway. Drivers stopped and watched demonstrators chant and hold up their signs and some honked their horns in support of the crowd. Although demonstrators were angry about the killing of George Floyd, it was a peaceful and emotional march. (Click here to read more about the Miami protests.)
I attended Santa Monica College not knowing my interest and major but I knew that I had to return to school. I took some photography because I had an interest in social-economic issues, history and politics and how photographs have the ability to captivate the narrative and atmosphere of these topics. Once I joined The Corsair newspaper I delved deeply into writing and photography. That’s when I decided to immerse myself in journalism. I transferred to FIU continuing my studies in Journalism and photography and I am proudly interning with the Caplin News.