Police investigate reports of a gun at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning High in North Miami Beach (includes video story)

Alonzo & Tracy Mourning High School went into lockdown around 10:30 a.m. yesterday after a gun threat appeared on social media. Parents crowded the front lawn while awaiting news about their children.

“You gasp for air,” said concerned parent Alonso Marchena. “You hear something like that and your mind automatically goes to Parkland or Sandy Hook.”

Parents weren’t the only ones concerned, though. Students inside believed there was a threat to their lives. We spoke to one over Facetime.

“Right now we’re all on the floor,” she said. “About half an hour ago, an officer came in as if he were looking for someone.”

After over four hours of lockdown, police cleared the school and allowed kids to reunite with their parents. Police have not yet recovered a weapon. The credibility of the threat is currently being investigated.


Christopher is pursuing a degree in Digital Journalism with a minor in Political Science. He hopes to work as a correspondent on 60 Minutes to tell important stories that matter to Americans. Christopher enjoys covering sports and does play by play announcing as a hobby.