Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tag: Cuba

Families were split by the 2020 Presidential election

Nathalie Roldan’s joy at President-elect Joe Biden’s victory was not shared by everyone in her family. Roldan’s fiancée and his parents all voted for President...

Cuban vs Cuban: Young voters have different ideas in the presidential...

The choice between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is highlighting an inter-generational divide between young Cuban-Americans born in the United...

Alejandro Ríos: “La película me parece injusta con una de las...

La llegada de la película “La Red Avispa” o “The Wasp Network” a Netflix ha ofendido a muchos de los exiliados cubanos en los...

Muere en Miami, Rosita Fornés, la última Vedette Cubana

“Todo lo que recibimos de abuela fue cariño, comprensión, amor, dedicación, complacencia, educación, consejos”. Así describe a su abuela Rosa, Javier Otero, un día...

Lidice Hernández Marcof, 48

Lidice Hernández Marcof, 48, is a veterinarian living in Batabanó, Cuba. She and the other members of her household, which include her elderly parents, have...

Sabor cubano con corazón hondureño

“Lo más difícil que hay en la vida es hacer algo que no te gusta. Hacer pan no es difícil” Alrededor de las siete de...

Travel restrictions to Cuba will impact Miami starting March 10 (video...

The Trump administration's latest restrictions on travel to Cuba will cap the number of charter flights starting in two weeks, on March 10. The move...

Trump’s Latin American budget cuts come under attack in Congress (interactive...

The chairman of the Congressional committee that oversees U.S. policy in Latin America and the Caribbean expressed outrage last week over significant budget cuts...

Cuba Nostalgia cambia su concepto visual en su edición 21

En este mes de mayo, el evento Cuba Nostalgia arribó a su 21 aniversario. Por más de dos décadas se ha dedicado a resaltar,...