Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tag: fiu

Newsbreak June 2, 2022

Hurricane season has officially begun and federal officials met at FIU to discuss how to prepare. There was a shooting in a Tulsa, Oklahoma...

US Foreign Relations Committee Reviews FIU Professor Frank Mora OAS Ambassador...

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee met in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday morning to review nominations, including that of Florida International University politics professor...

El crimen no espera a la noche

Cuando los padres envían a sus hijos a la universidad, varios de ellos suelen advertirles que la mayoría de los delitos ocurren después de...

¿Puede un plan de ayuda financiera resolver el problema de vivienda...

Recibir una carta de admisión a la universidad es un momento importante en la vida de un joven. Alegría, entusiasmo y optimismo. Estas fueron...

Miami-Dade proposes solutions for tenants affected by housing crisis

With inflation on the rise, skyrocketing rent costs have driven thousands of locals out of South Florida -- and particularly Miami-Dade. Miami has become...

Virtual concerts may be influencing the music industry, but will the...

It was said best by Jim Morrison from The Doors: “...for the music is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends, music...

FIU Ukrainian student sheds light on the ongoing war

“We don’t have a place to live anymore, there is nothing left in our apartment building, literally nothing left.” These were the words that FIU...

FIU sheds light on women in history through forward-thinking class

American historian Laurel Thatcher once said that "well-behaved women seldom make history." Thatcher was clearly onto something, as Florida International University offers a course dedicated...

La diversidad en el periodismo: falta mucho por hacer 

¿Qué podemos hacer para promover la diversidad en el periodismo? Esta fue una de las preguntas realizadas por una estudiante de la Universidad Internacional...

Newsbreak April 19, 2022

Federal mask mandates for airplanes and other forms of public transportation are banned. Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo and his wife announce the death of...