Tips to beat dehydration during summertime (includes video story)

While temperatures rise in South Florida, it’s important to keep children hydrated. Compared to adults, children are more prone to dehydration. The amount of water children need depends on how active they are as well as their age.

Katherine Shary, a registered dietitian at the Strong4Life clinic in Atlanta, lists dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, sunken eyes, crying with little or no tears and reduced urination as symptoms associated with dehydration.

Shary suggests allowing children to choose and design their own water bottles to make drinking water seem more interesting. She also shares that adding crushed berries to ice cube trays can add a fruity flavor to drinking water.

Shary advises parents to not let their kids drink sports drinks except when under intense heat while involved in vigorous activities. She also recommends reducing the intake of juice or other high-sugar drinks to control childhood obesity.

Fiorella Mora is a bilingual journalist at Florida International University with experience in marketing. Mora is an intern who oversees marketing activities at FIU Athletics. She has experience in editing, social media management, and photography. Mora is interested in news reporting where she hopes to use her bilingual skills and digital communication experience in the industry. Mora will graduate from the Lee Caplin School of Journalism with a bachelor’s degree in digital and interactive media in Spring 2024.