Yesterday Apple announced the launch of the new iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 pro. They boast new capabilities and life-saving features such as crash detection and satellite emergency services along with upgrades such as more stable recording for video.
The California firm also showcased a new edition of the air pods pro including active noise canceling and a battery charge of up to six hours. It also introduced the Apple watch ultra, which works in extreme environments, as well as the Apple watch series eight and Apple watch SE.
Eduardo Medilli a long-time user of Apple products had the following to say about them: “You know I think it is the seamlessness of the different devices working with each other. That’s the easiest way I can put it. just the ease of use and the devices working with each other make it nice to use.”
Medilli continued, “I take a lot of video and I have a kid, so the action cam looks really cool.”
The new Apple iPhone 14 will be available for pre-order starting at 5 a.m. on Friday, September 9. Additionally, it will be available for purchase in stores on September 16 and the plus will be available on October 7.
The price will begin at $799 for the base model with the plus selling for $899 and the max and ultra going for $999 and $1099 respectively