Thursday, November 7, 2024

Tag: anime

Discover the world of anime at OtakuFest in Pembroke Pines

Winji Mesadieu started on the journey of a lifetime in 2006, looking for local anime conventions in South Florida. At first, Mesadieu discovered Florida...

Florida Supercon brought in all fandoms for a fun weekend (includes...

This weekend, Florida Supercon was held at the Miami Beach Convention Center. For three days, fans came out to experience the display shops, cosplay performances and much...

Japanese culture gains popularity with anime (includes multimedia content)

Vanessa Alvarez is a realtor by day and dresses up at night. She recently attended a party that encouraged dressing up as fictional characters....

Alone at 15 when his grandmother died, Bruce Ramirez-Duran has made...

After aging out of the foster care system, 19-year-old Bruce Ramirez-Duran is navigating life as an independent college student. He was born in the United...