Former Haitian prime minister speaks about nation’s anarchy (includes video story)

Haiti’s former Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe was the special guest at the “Lives Amplified: Global Leaders Society” event this month. The organization focuses on creating dialogue with global leaders.

The audience included senior government officials, business owners and representatives from other countries. North Miami Beach Mayor Evan Piper was in attendance. 

One topic that sparked curiosity during the fireside chat with Dr. Steven Melnik, chairman of the organization, was the current situation of gangs in Haiti and the reasoning behind the attacks. 

“They are our gangs,” said Jouthe, “because we created them. There is a lady in Haiti, and her name is corruption.”

The next event will take place on April 24 with Jamil Mahuad, former President of Ecuador. Visit Lives Amplified for more information on membership. 

Valentina Gaspari is a junior majoring in Digital Broadcasting. A bilingual woman who enjoys traveling and covering stories, Gaspari is passionate about working as a news reporter post graduation.

Jason Harrow is a Senior at Florida International University who is majoring in Digital Journalism. Jason plans on using his voice to create insight and keep the public informed on what is taking place within their state.