Valentina Gaspari

Valentina Gaspari is a junior majoring in Digital Broadcasting. A bilingual woman who enjoys traveling and covering/editing stories, Gaspari is passionate about working in the news or entertainment field as a reporter or producer after graduation.
Voters head to the polls on Election Day (includes video story)
Across South Florida, voters headed to the polls early Tuesday to cast their ballots for the final day.
At the Miami-Dade fire rescue station in...
Woman battles breast cancer with power of social media (includes video story)
This past August, at just 29 years old, Ali Embry was diagnosed with one of the most life-threatening diseases: breast cancer.
“It’s the worst club...
El poder de la redes sociales ayuda a una joven que lucha contra el...
Con solo 29 años, Ali Embry esta luchando contra el cáncer de mama. Fue diagnosticada este año, hace apenas dos meses.
"Estaba asustada,” ella dice....
Sideline Season 4, Episode 2
Sideline is back for its fourth season covering South Florida sports news. In this week's headlines: The Dolphins finally get a win after a...
Baby shark ends up in lake, experts blame Hurricane Helene (includes video story)
A baby bull shark was spotted swimming at Lakes Park, a popular and kid-friendly recreation ground, this Tuesday in Fort Myers.
Since the city was...
Revelan detalles sobre sospechoso de presunto intento de asesinato de Trump (incluye video)
Por segunda vez en dos meses, el candidato republicano y expresidente Donald Trump ha sido objetivo de un intento de asesinato. Esta vez, fue...
Sideline Season 4, Episode 1
Sideline is back for its fourth season. Covering all South Florida sports news from Tyreek Hill’s hellish season start to the Miami Marlins' big...
Audaz operación de Israel libera a un rehén de Gaza
Kaid Farhan Al-Qadi, que estuvo retenido casi un año como rehén, fue liberado el martes por las fuerzas israelíes durante una operación de rescate....
Aqua Aware: Diving into the importance of water safety and drowning prevention (includes documentary)
Florida has the highest rate of drowning in the nation. This documentary explores the dangers and emphasizes water safety. Experts and special guests share...
Live Like Jake Foundation highlights childhood drowning prevention and water safety
To listen to the accompanying audio stories, click here.
To see the accompanying website, click here.
To see the accompanying photo essay, click here.
The life...