Yayoi Kusama is known for her groundbreaking, psychedelic sculpture and Infinity Mirror installation works that originated in the 1960s and gave rise to today’s immersive art trend. Now her exhibit “Love is calling,” the largest of all her Infinity Rooms, is at the Perez Art Museum in Downtown Miami.
As visitors walk in, they experience a culmination of her artistic achievements, from her signature polka dots and soft sculptures to brilliant colors, spoken word, endless reflections and the illusion of space.
“Love is calling” premiered in Japan in 2013, and has been in many museums worldwide since. Though the large-scale work itself is not new, “Love is Calling” is the first of Kusama’s pieces that have been exhibited at the Perez Museum.
It will be open until February 11, 2024. Visitors must purchase a general admission ticket and then make a separate reservation at no additional cost with the Visitor Service desk.